Reading and Writing

Our Class Code is HXTHC

It's Greek to Me - Test your knowledge of Greek Roots in the Greek Roots Olympics.

Kidblog - Student writing blogs (must sign in)

Hero's Journey Outlining Tool - Use this tool to map stories you have read or stories you want to write!

What Should I Read Next? - Finished a great book but don't know what to read next?  Get some suggestions here.

Quotations (Game) - Practice with quotations in a Who Wants to be a Millionaire style game.

NoRedInk - Grammar practice (join our class: best stone 32)


Students will be participating in National Novel Writing Month in November.  For more information visit:

Writing a Story? : Places to Submit Work

Journals and Magazines

826 Quarterly – "Between two and seventeen times a year, we publish student writing inThe 826 Quarterly, a literary journal written entirely by young people. Most of the material for The 826 Quarterly comes from our workshops and After-school Tutoring program, but we also take at-large submissions."

The Blue Pencil – "The Blue Pencil Online is edited and produced by the students in the Writing & Publishing Program at Walnut Hill School for the Arts, in Natick, Massachusetts. The magazine seeks to publish the best of literary work in English by young writers (12–18) around the world."

Cicada – "Cicada is a lively literary magazine for young people ages 14 and up. Teens interested in seeing their work in print can check out the 'Call for Creative Endeavors' and view other submissions needs for the magazine."

Polyphony H.S. – "Polyphony H.S. is an international student-run literary magazine for high school writers. Our title is a combination of the Greek term meaning many voices, and the abbreviation for High School."

Teen Ink – "Welcome to Teen Ink, a national teen magazine, book series, and website devoted entirely to teenage writing, art, photos, and forums. Teen Ink magazine offers some of the most thoughtful and creative work generated by teens and has the largest distribution of any publication of its kind."

Young Adult Review Network – "YARN is an award-winning literary journal that publishes outstanding original short fiction, poetry, and essays for young-adult readers. We seek to discover new teen writers and publish them alongside established writers of the YA genre."


Scholastic Art & Writing Awards

Deadline: Varies by region; generally ranges from December 15, 2012 through January 15, 2013

Categories: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry

Fee: Free

Prize: Students who win at the regional level are celebrated at local ceremonies and have their work showcased in exhibitions, publications, and at public readings. National Medalists are celebrated at a prestigious Carnegie Hall ceremony and have their work showcased in reputable galleries in New York City. 

Details: To register, students must first create a profile at here to see what information you need to register.

The Writing Conference, Inc Contest

Deadline: January 8, 2013

Categories: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry

Fee: Free

Prize: First-place winners in each category receive a plaque; second- and third-place winners receive certificates. All are given an invitation to have their writing published inThe Writers' Slate, an online journal published by The Writing Conference, Inc. 

Details: Writing submitted must be relevant to the topic selected for each category.

Kids Are Authors Contest

Deadline: March 15, 2013

Categories: Fiction, Nonfiction

Fee: Free

Prize: Winning books will be published by Scholastic and distributed throughout the country.

Details: Kids Are Authors is an annual competition open to Grades K–8 and is designed to encourage students to use their reading, writing, and artistic skills to create their own books. Under the guidance of a project coordinator, children work in teams of three or more students to write and illustrate their own book.

Fire Escape Writing Contests

Deadline: June 1, 2013

Categories: Fiction, Poetry

Fee: Free

Prize: Winning poems and stories will be published on the Fire Escape. Winner in each category: $50

Details: Submit an original, unpublished poem or piece of prose (fiction or non-fiction) that reflects some of the joys and struggles of growing up between two cultures in America. You must be an immigrant or internationally adopted teen (or a teen with one immigrant parent) currently living in the United States or Canada.

Figment Contests

Deadline: Ongoing

Categories: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry

Fee: Free

Prize: Varies

Details: Figment is a community where you can share your writing, connect with other readers, and discover new stories and authors.

Teen Ink Contests

Deadline: Ongoing

Categories: Fiction, Nonfiction, Poetry

Fee: Free

Prize: Your work published in Teen Ink, copies of the magazine, and Teen Inkmerchandise.

Details: Teen Ink is a national teen magazine, book series, and website devoted entirely to teenage writing and art. They have no staff writers or artists; they depend completely on submissions from teenagers nationwide for their content.