Online Learning Support
These are just some links and supports all in one place to help with setting up Canvas.
A Module is like a folder where you place one unit of instruction.
Within a Module you may have Quizzes, Assignments, Pages that detail information/content, etc.
Getting Started with Canvas - Creating your first Module (or Unit)
Setting Your Homepage - Designing the First Page your students will see
Creating Quizzes - Making Quizzes and Making Quiz Banks
Locking and Unlocking Modules - How to keep students from advancing/accessing later units
More Advanced:
Creating Your Own Navigation Buttons - Creating Course Navigation buttons that link to external websites
Quick Hints/Troubleshooting:
Go to "Home" and click on the right menu "Student View" to see what your students are currently able to view.
Something not showing up for your students that you thought would be? Make sure that you clicked "Publish" on that item. In general, items will have a green checkmark if they have been published where your students can currently see them.